MODERATOR: Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us today for this call to discuss the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program Priority 2 Designation for Afghan Nationals.
This call, as you know, is on background. For reporting purposes, our briefers should be referred to as senior State Department officials.
Just for your knowledge, and again, not for reporting, our briefing today will begin with remarks from [Senior State Department Official One], [Senior State Department Official Two], and [Senior State Department Official Three] will also be on the line to take your questions after [Senior State Department Official One]’s opening remarks.
All contents of this call are embargoed until the conclusion. As you’ll hear from the operator, you can enter the question queue at any time by dialing 1 and then 0.
And with that, I will turn it over to our first speaker. Please, go ahead.
Posted in: Uncategorized
posted on: August 6, 2021